Friday, November 30, 2012

Nutella and West Indian Cherry-filled Crepes

When I do chocolate in desserts, I sometimes like to add fruit like strawberries or raspberries. The acidity of the fruit helps to cut some of the rich sweetness of the chocolate and help to balance out the flavor of the dessert as a whole. Strawberries are not grown in Grenada, and therefore are expensive and difficult to find. So instead, I used a set of cherries I had bought at the local market. The West Indian cherries are a bit more tart than the cherries you will find in the U.S., so they were a good match for the sweet Nutella. Also, I chose to use almond essence instead of the usual vanilla extract for these, as that is my mother's choice when she makes pancakes. Either would work just as well, but the almond essence reminds me of home. The crepes can be made in advance, but hold out on filling them until right before they will be served.

     1 1/2 cups of flour
     1 tbsp white sugar
     1/2 tsp baking powder
     2 cups of milk
     1/2 tsp almond essence
     2 eggs
     2 tbsp butter
Mix together the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, and baking powder), and then add the milk, essence, and eggs. Continue whisking until the batter is smooth. Butter a 6-8 inch skillet and place it over a medium fire. Pour 1/4 cup of the batter onto the heated skillet, then immediately lift the pan and swirl the batter around to cover the bottom of the pan. Cook for a few seconds until that side is light brown, and then flip to cook the other side. Remove the crepe from the pan, and follow the same steps with the rest of the batter. Cover the crepes to prevent them from becoming hard.

     1 small container of Nutella
     1 cup of sliced cherries (or whatever fruit you like)
Spoon about 2 tbsp of Nutella in a line down the center of the crepe. Sprinkle with the sliced fruit and fold the two empty sides of the crepe over the middle part with the filling. Flip the filled crepe over, drizzle with heated Nutella or melted chocolate, and garnish with some of the fruit pieces. Serve immediately.

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